water proofing service providers in Hyderabad

Water Leakages and Dampness are major hindrances in many of the structures. We rectify them using methods like:

Ploy Urea Spray Systems.
Poly Urethane Membrane System.

Poly Urea Spray System:
High-end waterproofing system with rapid setting time. This waterproofing membrane can be applied at very low temperature without coating defects. The major advantage is its excellent tear strength, moisture insensitive, higher abrasion resistance, higher tensile strength. This high-end system protects the structure from ingress of chemicals and water. This system is suitable for most types of buildings – from Hotels to airports, sky roofs, water tanks, shopping malls, offices, etc.

Ploy Urethane Membrane System:
It is a spray applied polyurethane foam roofing system which expands 40 to 60 time of its initial volume and takes the shape of the structure once it is sprayed. It provides sustainability and high performance in long run. The main advantage of this is it sets rapidly and achieves trafficable condition within an hour. This system has higher resistance to impact, abrasion, and cracking with superior tensile strength. Can be applied to roofs both exposed or concealed in new and refurbishment projects, bridge decks, balconies, terraces, wet areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, as under tiling membrane, chimneys, precast slabs and blocks, dome type structures, inverted roofing systems, water retaining structures, sewage tanks etc.

Read more  :  water proofing service providers in Hyderabad


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